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Fight Fat, With Fat!

Fight fat with fat? I thought you were supposed to avoid fats? Thats why we have all of these healthy "Fat Free" and "Low Fat" foods on the market. So eating foods high in fats must surely cause us to gain fat right? Wrong. More and more research is showing the massive amount of benefits from a high fat, low carbohydrate based diet. Including reversing high blood sugar, anti-aging benefits, loosing body fat, and even the resolution of longstanding schizophrenic symptoms.

Yes it seems very contradictory to try to burn fat, and loose weight by consuming high amounts of fat in our diets. This is based on the old ideology that dietary fats are bad for us. Coming from a review published in 1967 in the New England Journal of Medicine by three Harvard Scientists. This review downplayed the link between sugar and heart disease, and promoted saturated fat as the leading factor. We now know this to be false, and in fact is bad science.

The New York Times wrote an article in 2016 that revealed The Sugar Industry paid these Harvard Scientists in 1967 to do exactly what they did. Downplay sugars role in heart disease and blame saturated fat instead. This article was based on Internal Sugary Industry Documents discovered by a researcher at the University of California, and were published in JAMA Internal Medicine. The documents show that a trade group called "The Sugar Research Foundation" known today as "The Sugar Association" paid the scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in todays dollars to sway the review away from sugar. This is just one example cited by The NY Times of the influence the food industry has had over nutrition science.

More recent studies, with a much larger numbers of people have seemed to show a different conclusion. That conclusion? Refined carbohydrates and sugars are much worse for you than saturated fats. Saturated fats are essential for the body to produce key hormones, including reproductive hormones like testosterone. Something that should catch the attention of any athlete or fitness enthusiast. Well, something that should probably catch anyone's attention after this study came out, showing that low testosterone levels are linked to cardiac arrest.

Refined carbohydrates and sugars on the other hand, are linked to inflammation, chronic diseases like cancer, as well as reduction in testosterone by 25% for up to 2 hours! This seems very counter-productive, as most pre-workout supplements are loaded with refined sugars. Thats where Organic Muscle comes in to help. Organic Muscle's "Lemon Berry Organic Pre-Workout" only has 3g of sugar, mainly sourced from organic coconut palm sugar. A natural low glycemic sweetener, that wont give you a crash! Save 15% on all Organic Muscle supplements & gear with discount code "Brando" at checkout!

So while refined carbohydrates and sugars seem to feed inflammation, as well as chronic diseases, like heart disease, and cancer. Carbohydrate restricted, high fat diets like the "Ketogenic Diet" seem to do the exact opposite. Like reducing the size of tumors in mice, and decreasing inflammation. This can help with inflammatory disorders such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, as well as overall reduction in pain.

Enough about why refined carbohydrates and sugars are not the way to go. Now I'll move on to the fat burning factors, and the fats. Our bodies normally run on glucose that’s produced when the body breaks down carbohydrates. When your body doesn’t have enough glucose or insulin to use from restricting carbohydrates and sugars. The liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. These ketone bodies pass into brain & replace glucose as an energy source. This is called putting your body in a state of Ketosis, and will cause your body to burn fat for energy over glucose. 

Once the body is in a ketogenic state, it will be utilizing fat for energy. Not just the fats that you consume on a daily basis, but also the fat you carry on your body. This is one of the main reasons why so many people have such great success loosing weight doing a ketogenic diet. You are truly fighting fat with fat by eating a high fat, low carbohydrate diet.

Some of my favorite plant based fats that I like to consume on a daily basis for ketosis are coconut oil, avocado oil and avocados. Coconut oil has many health benefits, including being a great natural hair and skin care product, aids in weight loss, improves immunity, and more! Avocado oil isn't a stranger to health benefits either! It is packed full of vitamin e, monounsaturated fat, antioxidants, and more. This gives avocado oil the ability to deliver a bunch of health benefits such as, reducing LDL levels, improving heart health, help prevent gum disease, and reduce arthritis pain to the point where it is prescribed as a treatment.

Fighting fat has never been easier now that your body can just burn the fat off for you. By utilizing carbohydrate and sugar restriction, along with consuming high amounts of dietary fat. Your body breaks down the fats, including your body fat into ketone bodies to use for energy! This dietary lifestyle along with regular exercise can lead to amazing results. So what are you waiting for? Fight your fat, with fat!

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