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Showing posts from August, 2018

Fasting for Fitness: Brando's Keys to Intermittent Fasting

Im sure by now you have been seeing the trending articles on twitter, facebook and other social media about fasting and fasting mimicking diets. So is that all fasting is? Just a trend? Or is there actual science and studies that prove the benefits of this trend? In this article I will break down the hype, studies and science behind fasting and fasting mimicking diets, like intermittent fasting. I will also explain how I use it everyday and my keys to making it as beneficial as possible! Fasting has been practiced for thousands of years in many cultures across the globe for various reasons, such as religion . This was all before we had the scientific research and studies to prove whether or not it is beneficial to the body. Luckily we live in the 21st century so we have the benefits of modern science and the internet to our disposal. With these modern tools we now know that putting our bodies in a fasted state and fasting regularly can have great benefits to our health.  O...

Fight Fat, With Fat!

Fight fat with fat? I thought you were supposed to avoid fats? Thats why we have all of these healthy "Fat Free" and "Low Fat" foods on the market. So eating foods high in fats must surely cause us to gain fat right? Wrong. More and more research is showing the massive amount of benefits from a high fat, low carbohydrate based diet. Including reversing high blood sugar, anti-aging benefits , loosing body fat, and even the resolution of longstanding schizophrenic symptoms. Yes it seems very contradictory to try to burn fat, and loose weight by consuming high amounts of fat in our diets. This is based on the old ideology that dietary fats are bad for us. Coming from a review published in 1967 in the New England Journal of Medicine by three Harvard Scientists. This review downplayed the link between sugar and heart disease , and promoted saturated fat as the leading factor. We now know this to be false, and in fact is bad science. The New York Times wrote ...