While non-meat eating diets seem to be on the rise, a 500% rise in the vegan diet since 2014 to be exact, more and more companies are coming out with plant based "Meat Like" products. This is something that could be heaven sent for those plant based dieters that are getting bored with their same old meals, while remembering what it was like to eat Chinese take-out, burgers, brats or even a spaghetti dinner! In this post, I will take you through a few of my favorite plant based takes on take-out classics, while breaking down the nutritional info along the way. I want to start out with the fact that I started this "Meatless, Non-Dairy Lifestyle" back in March of this year. I procrastinated with it and pushed off the idea, because I thought you needed to eat meat to build muscle and gain strength. After 3 months in, I would say that is not the case. While I still do eat eggs daily, and on a rare occasion fish, I haven't had any of the typi...
Im sure by now you have been seeing the trending articles on twitter, facebook and other social media about fasting and fasting mimicking diets. So is that all fasting is? Just a trend? Or is there actual science and studies that prove the benefits of this trend? In this article I will break down the hype, studies and science behind fasting and fasting mimicking diets, like intermittent fasting. I will also explain how I use it everyday and my keys to making it as beneficial as possible! Fasting has been practiced for thousands of years in many cultures across the globe for various reasons, such as religion . This was all before we had the scientific research and studies to prove whether or not it is beneficial to the body. Luckily we live in the 21st century so we have the benefits of modern science and the internet to our disposal. With these modern tools we now know that putting our bodies in a fasted state and fasting regularly can have great benefits to our health. O...